the winner takes it all


ohai there.
the name's Jowee.
16 years young.




010412 april fool's (Apr 1, 2012 / 8:55 PM)

hai der. happy april fool's!
yeah nothing really happened today, but i wish april fool's was on monday so i could be at school tricking the others. -.-
so i've noticed my blog's been dead and dead again for many times. i've been meaning to change the layout of it again but i can never find a good design for it so. #lesigh.
but on the positive note, i'm preeeetty sure i'm going to be doing something to my hair again ('again'? i haven't really done anything to it before) this holidays. :p it's gonna be crazy, but hopefully it'll turn out what i expect it to be. which is something close to this;

yup yup. though i'm fair sure the streaks on that girl are fake cos you can kinda see where it's clipped on behind the earssss.. but anyways, hopefully i'll get something close to this but with burgundy and blue. if i succeed, it's gonna look so good if i plait or braid my hair 8DD
i just hope  i won't chicken out cos i really do it  :\

and i have relatives coming over this holidays! adelaide's so boring i really don't know where to bring them oh lawd . -.- my wrist is killing me now, so buhbye!


quickie ( / 2:08 AM)

hey, just a quick post before i go to bed. it's 2.33am right now but because of daylight saving it's supposed to be 1.33am. still kinda late. lol.

so a lot has happened, but one big thing is we're getting a new house! so excited! it's not brand new, but not bad either. :P we gotta move in by the end of may. haha it's a big step for mum :)
it's almost holidays too! so three more days of school and i'll be free for two weeks!

anddd i've been sick recently -.- but it's good cos i get to miss school lol. #lazy


bla blaa (Feb 19, 2012 / 7:21 PM)

Ok so i haven't been on here for quite a while. like 2 months?
i think i'm always starting my blog posts with 'ok i know i haven't been...' wtf it's becoming a habit-.-

So school's started. It's like shit hit the fan.everything's pretty hectic-.- during the first week i was already given so many assignments. #fml
but i guess year 10 is going to be hard work la. Starting senior school @@ apparently year 10 is the best year in high school, so. who knows? maybe :P

things have happened during the several weeks i haven't been blogging. but i'm the kind of person who can't really write down things to express myself........ if that made any sense. LOL. sometimes i try to write down everything but then i end up writing too long and everyone will get bored and run away.
first things first, i got my eyebrows done couple of weeks ago heheheee.
here's a pic of that night when i got them done.
ok dudes and dudettes i know i look like i've just been to the hospital in the photo but i was just really tired. -.- look at those attractive bags under my eyes.
you can't really tell the difference in photos (idontknowwhy) but anyways, i quite liked the results. it was a nice change for me,, and i needed change haha. the only bad thing was that the lady didn't wax ALL of my stray hairs.. so i had to pluck them out myself. lol

frankly, that was the only BIG thing that's happened that i can remember ..-.- apologies

but last night i went to Izzi's(you guys should know who she is by now right?) house to go for dinner at the beach with her family and friends. It was pretty awesome!
We brought down some pretty damned heavy benches, two tables, umbrellas..etc. But it was all worth it! We decorated it nicely! we even brought some fire torches down to the beach to give it a 'tribal look' haha.
they look exactly like this:

We stayed at the beach till 10 30, it was wonderfullllllllll. when i got home i was soo tired, had a good chat with someone and fell asleep straight away LOL. Too bad all the photos are on izzi's camera. i don't have any on me. but i do have lots of photos we took while at her house :D watch out, i'm going to bomb you!

we took waaaaay more than this. we're pretty weird.yup. that's the only word for it.

next thing. my korean's coming along nicely. though i haven't got as much time as before to practise, but that's ok.  talking to my friends in korea really helps! 고마워, you guys!<3
Oh and i met a new friend at my new chinese school who's also craaaazy about korea like me! :p i think we'll be best friends LOL hahah!

that's all for now, need to go get some homework done! :\
thanks for staying with me!


ps. 69th post! kinky ;))